wyngaed on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wyngaed/art/Housecarl-A-Skyrim-Comic-272067186wyngaed

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wyngaed's avatar

Housecarl - A Skyrim Comic



Based on a true story! When I first started playing Skyrim, I went to Whiterun and became Thane. I was awarded my own bitch (Lydia). Her only real usefulness came from carrying my crap for me- since I had a tendency to pick up EVERYTHING.

She was affectionately referred to as "The Bitch", both for her attitude and my use of her as slave labor.

Eventually, she died.

The end.

(This was 3 days worth of work, with a lot more effort put into it than I originally intended. I am pretty proud of this piece! It was done mostly in Paint Tool SAI with the text and borders added in Photoshop.)

I am sorry for not responding to everyone! I am overwhelmed by how many people have viewed, commented and favorited this piece! It really means a lot to me! I never expected this comic to be seen by so many people. Thank you all so much! I am so glad I could make you all smile!
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805x2800px 2.36 MB
© 2011 - 2024 wyngaed
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ExplosiveFirehawk's avatar
Lydia, ever sarcastic...
